A Simpleton’s Style of No-Style

30 Days of Writing Challenge: Day 14 “Describe Your Style”

Nathania S. Alexandra
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Style. It’s not something I talk about often, in fact, I rarely talk about it. The style I mostly talk about is ‘the style of writing’, ‘music style’, or ‘art style’, it’s rarely about fashion. But, I’ll try.

A not-so-recent selfie

I like cool shirts and cool outers. I think that’s mostly how I dress myself. First, I choose the lucky shirt or jacket that I’d want to wear that day. Then, I think real hard on what I should pair it with. I go out with only a little makeup, I’m not really a fan of it actually. It seems fun, but I kinda like the no-makeup makeup-look.

My choice of pants are jeans, extremely baggy pants, or plaid pants. That’s all. I look so simple, sometimes I feel like I should add more to what I wear. But I never did.

Another not-so-recent picture

Sometimes I like to dress like my favorite fictional characters. This one’s inspired by Maho Minami from BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad.

This was an attempt on trying to be a Hogwarts student

Other than that, I just mostly dress simple. A comfortable shirt, anykind of long pants, and a pair of sneakers. Add on a bracelet or a jacket, and I’m all set.

Me in around 4th or 5th grade
One of the ‘cool jackets’ I mentioned

I’m not sure about trying other looks, but I might try. But, I think I’ll always stick with a ‘cool jacket’ and things that relate to the things I like (I mean, trying to dress up like a character I love). That’s really all of it.

I guess, one way to describe my style is, “it’s just the way I like it.”

— Nathania S. Alexandra, 2021



Nathania S. Alexandra

A story-teller and lover of tunes. Also known as Nathantania and mewseeshan.